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COVID-19 Update

April 15, 2020

Housing is Essential

The health and safety of our residents and staff are our highest priority!  Our core business activities are crucial to providing housing and related services in our communities.  For that reason, our business activity is deemed essentialand excluded from the stay-home and quarantine orders that have been issued.  While we are open and doing business, it is not business as usual.  To the extent possible, we are delaying in-person and non-mandatory activities until the resumption of normal operations; and we have implemented a number of safety measures based on CDC and health agency guidance.  To limit congregation of individuals, most community activities have been suspended and access to some amenities is temporarily closed or restricted.

Touch-Free Office

Our offices are open and we are available to service all essential needs.  We do however encourage contacting us by phone or e-mail when possible to minimize in-person contact.  We have expanded our online portal capabilities and we have eliminated the third-party ACH convenience fee for paying rental charges on the portal. You can also sign up for automatic no-charge ACH payment of your monthly rental charges without using the portal… just contact the office for an enrollment form.  In many cases, office hours and staff have been reduced, so we greatly appreciate your patience. 

Home Sales

We understand the essential nature of housing.  Our offices are open to those seeking information about the community and homes available for purchase.  We encourage appointments; and we are often able to provide considerable information via telephone, email, and through virtual tours.  We understand that ultimately there is no substitute for seeing the community and available homes in-person.  These are done by appointment and with adherence to a safety protocol for the protection of everyone involved.  Contact the applicable community office for up-to-date information on new and previously owned homes, or reach out directly to our Regional Sales Manager for the state. E-mail addresses are listed below.




New Mexico

Stay Healthy “Together”

In closing, we want to thank all of our community residents for their patience and support during these challenging times.  We hope that all of you are safe and weathering this COVID-19 storm.  Stay healthy and manage the cabin-fever!  If you haven’t done so already, organize a Zoom meeting or group FaceTime session for distance-socializing with family and friends.  By pulling together, and working together we can overcome the challenges of COVID-19!

 The US Department of Homeland Security CISA Memorandum dated March 28, 2020 is cited in government mandates as excluded essential services. The CISA Memorandum identifies Residential Facilities and Services workers as essential. Our operations include: leasing of residential properties; providing ready access to available housing; property management and maintenance service; and housing construction related activities. Our additional essential services vary by location, but include Infrastructure Support Services that ensure effective removal, storage and disposal of residential solid waste, Water and Wastewater Services like monitoring, maintaining and repairing water distribution and sanitary sewer systems in communities, and at some locations Energy Services comprised of monitoring and maintaining electricity and natural gas distribution systems in communities.

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